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帕特里克·米. 牧羊人

帕特里克·米. 牧羊人自2019年1月1日起担任斯伯丁县副检察长.


东所罗门街132号nd 乔治亚州格里芬楼30223

P.O. 佐治亚州格里芬648号信箱,邮编30224

(770) 467-4350

(770) 467-4355



The Spalding County 律师 General’s Office is responsible for the prosecution of misdemeanors in the 州法院 of Spalding County. A misdemeanor is a crime punishable by up to twelve months in jail and a fine of up to $1,000.00 ($5,000.(因情节严重的轻罪). Common misdemeanors include crimes against persons, crimes against property and traffic offenses. 人身伤害罪包括殴打、家庭暴力和跟踪. 侵害财产罪包括非法侵入、入店行窃和盗窃. 交通违法行为包括酒后驾车、鲁莽驾驶和超速.

我们的办公室通过起诉犯罪行为为斯伯丁县的市民服务, 保护犯罪被害人权利,协助执法. We are committed to making our community a safer place to live, work and raise our families.




The Spalding County 律师 General’s Office is responsible for the prosecution of misdemeanors in the 州法院 of Spalding County. A misdemeanor is a crime punishable by up to twelve months in jail and a fine of up to $1,000.00 ($5,000.(因情节严重的轻罪). Common misdemeanors include crimes against persons, crimes against property and traffic offenses. 人身伤害罪包括殴打、家庭暴力和跟踪. 侵害财产罪包括非法侵入、入店行窃和盗窃. 交通违法行为包括酒后驾车、鲁莽驾驶和超速.

Cases falling under the jurisdiction of the Spalding County 律师 General come to the office from the Spalding County Sherriff’s Department, 格里芬警察局和乔治亚州巡逻队. Cases come to the 律师 General’s Office by way of warrants issued by the Spalding County 地方法院, citations issued by law enforcement officers and cases transferred by the District Attorney and 格里芬 Municipal Court.

The Spalding County 律师 General’s Office is responsible for reviewing and investigating cases that are made by law enforcement, 提出正式刑事指控, and representing the State of Georgia in criminal cases in the 州法院 of Spalding County from arraignment to trial.    


帕特里克·米. 谢泼德在乔治亚州斯伯丁县出生并长大. Patrick graduated from 格里芬 High School in 2001 and received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Georgia in 2005. Patrick graduated from the Mercer University School of Law and was admitted to the State Bar of Georgia in 2009.

帕特里克和他的父亲蒂莫西. 从2010年到2018年,他是律师事务所牧羊人 law Offices, LLC的合伙人. 他亦曾担任首席助理律师. 豪厄尔, III,从2016年到2018年. 格里芬E. 豪厄尔, 三世的退休, Patrick was elected 律师 General in 2018 and took office as 律师 General on January 1, 2019.

Patrick is married to Robin 牧羊人 and they have a daughter, Elizabeth Bell 牧羊人. Patrick is active in several civic organizations including the 格里芬 Exchange Club and the 格里芬-Spalding Historical Society. 帕特里克和他的家人参加格里芬第一浸信会教堂.


预审分流计划(PTD)是根据O.C.G.A. §15-18-80 as an alternative to the prosecution of offenders in the criminal justice system. The PTD shall be administered by the 律师 General of Spalding County and shall be supervised by JAG Probation. 

The PTD is designed for the benefit of the individual program participant as well as the overall criminal justice system for the 州法院 of Spalding County. The PTD allows participants avoid a conviction on their criminal record while also receiving rehabilitative services to address the issues which led to criminal behavior. The PTD also provides an early resolution to criminal cases which better serves the interests of victims and reduces the burden on the court system.

Participation in the program is voluntary and applicants should seek the advice of legal counsel prior to application to the PTD. 参与PTD将发生在被控罪行的裁决之前. Satisfactory completion of the PTD will result in the dismissal or nolle prosequi of the charged offense.

Applicants accepted into the PTD will participate in an individualized program for a period of between one (1) and twelve (12) months, 每次充电, 代替传统的起诉. 取决于被控罪行的性质, 个性化项目可能要求参与者进行社区服务, 接受药物滥用评估和完成建议的药物滥用治疗, 完整的家庭暴力和/或愤怒管理咨询, 完成防御性驾驶课程并获得乔治亚州的驾驶执照.

如O.C.G.A. §15-18-80(f), participants shall be assessed an administrative fee not to exceed $1,000.00. 参与者还需按月缴纳监督费. Participants may also be required to pay restitution to the victim of the charged offense. All administrative fees, supervision fees and restitution shall be paid to JAG Probation. All administrative fees collected from participants shall be remitted to the general fund of Spalding County.

Applicants may be required to execute forms waiving their right to certain Constitutional rights, 包括获得快速审判的权利. Applicants may also be required to execute releases for confidential records such as juvenile court records and medical records as needed to determine the applicant’s eligibility for the PTD. 

Participants in the PTD who fail to comply with all terms and provisions of their individualized program shall, 由副检察长或司法部缓刑官提出动议, 从PTD终止. Participants terminated from the PTD shall have their cases placed on the next trial calendar for adjudication by bench trial or jury trial.


Acceptance into the PTD will generally be based upon an assessment of the following eligibility criteria set forth in O.C.G.A. §15-18-80(d):

  1. 罪行:犯罪或罪行的性质;
  2. 申请人先前的被捕及/或定罪纪录;
  3. 被害人的输入,如果有的话. 

除上述标准外, 在决定是否接受进入PTD时,亦会评估下列准则:

  1. 被控犯罪、犯罪的具体事实、情节;
  2. 申请人的就业及/或在校情况;
  3. The applicant’s place of residence and stability of residence; and
  4. 申请人曾参与其他审前分流计划.


  1. 丰富的少年记录;
  2. 广泛的犯罪记录;
  3. 有重罪前科;
  4. 有使用火器或其他武器的前科;
  5. Prior offenses involving domestic violence, child abuse, elder abuse and animal cruelty;
  6. Prior arrests or convictions for the charged offense; and
  7. 保释期间未出庭的.  

根据《澳门葡京赌场官方网站》.C.G.A. §15-18-80(e), applicants charged with offenses for which the law provides a mandatory minimum sentence of incarceration or imprisonment that cannot be suspended, 经认证或延期的学生没有资格被PTD录取.

While the criteria set forth hereinabove shall be used in determining the eligibility of each applicant, acceptance into the PTD shall be at the sole discretion of the Spalding County 律师 General or Assistant 律师.


问责法院s provide alternative ways for criminal offenders to resolve their cases. 退休的州法院法官Sidney R. 埃萨里于2017年成立了斯伯丁县退伍军人和精神健康治疗法庭. This program has helped numerous veterans and people with mental illnesses receive treatment and resolve their criminal cases without a conviction on their criminal record. The Spalding County 律师 General’s Office is committed to the continued growth and success of our Veterans and Mental Health Treatment Court.

The Veterans and Mental Health Treatment Court requires participants to attend individual and group counseling, 参与自助项目, submit to random drug and alcohol screens and complete other requirements based on the individual’s specific needs. 


  • 在斯伯丁县面临轻罪指控;
  • Have received an honorable or less than honorable military discharge and/or have a diagnosed mental illness;
  • Have a stable residence in Spalding County; and
  • Have sufficient emotional stability and mental and intellectual capacity to complete program requirements.

The minimum criteria set forth above do not guarantee acceptance into the Veterans and Mental Health Treatment Court and applications are reviewed by the Veterans and Mental Health Treatment Court team on a case by case basis. 比如过去的犯罪行为, 现行犯罪的性质与犯罪被害人的同意, 如果有任何, 在决定是否接受时也要考虑在内吗.   

If you believe that you are a good candidate for the Veterans and Mental Health Treatment Court, 请联系: 

(770) 467-8824



The cooperation and testimony of witnesses is often the difference between a guilty and a not guilty verdict. 而你的证词对案件的起诉至关重要, 我们理解你对自己的工作负有义务, 家庭或学校对你来说同样重要. 因此,我们的目标是尽可能尊重您的时间. We ask that you contact our office after receiving a subpoena so that you may be placed on call. 你也许可以避免在法庭上等待你的案子被传唤. 

If there are special reasons why you are unable to appear in court on the date you have been subpoenaed, 请与我们联络. 我们会尽力照顾你的具体情况.

Lastly, we understand that testifying in court can be a difficult experience for many people. 为了让你的体验更轻松,这里有一些有用的建议:

  • 做好准备: 庭审前几天在脑海中回顾一下案件,以刷新你的记忆.
  • 永远说真话: Even the smallest fabrication can completely discredit your testimony and significantly weaken the entire case. 如果你不记得某个细节,直接说你不记得.
  • 展现你最好的一面: A witness’ appearance is an important factor when judges and juries are determining credibility. 去朝廷时要穿着整洁、保守. 不允许穿短裤、背心和戴帽子进入法庭.
  • 做好等待的准备: 我们会尽量尊重你的时间, the court process can be unpredictable and you may have to wait for your turn to testify. 带点东西来帮助你打发时间.
  • 仔细听: 仔细听你被问到的问题,然后只回答问题. 如果你不知道答案,就不要猜. 
  • 避免陪审员: Witnesses and jurors are not allowed to communicate with each other during trial except for when the witness is testifying. 不要接近陪审员,即使这件事与正在审理的案件完全无关.



Too often, the criminal justice system overlooks the needs and rights of crime victims. The Spalding County 律师 General’s Office is committed to ensuring that this doesn’t happen to victims of misdemeanor crimes in Spalding County. 我们相信每个人都有权利受到法律的保护并感到安全. 我们积极起诉被控家庭暴力的罪犯, 盗窃和其他影响受害者生活的案件.

除了起诉刑事案件, the Spalding County 律师 General’s Office also operates a state certified Victim Witness Assistance Program (VWAP). 我们的VWAP致力于:

  • 为罪案受害人提供最优质的服务.
  • Ensuring that victims are informed of their rights under the 犯罪受害者权利法案.
  • Assisting victims to recover restitution and compensation for their injuries and expenses caused because of a crime.
  • Connecting victims with resources designed to help them recover and return to their normal lives.

在大多数情况下,成功的起诉需要受害者的充分合作. 我们的受害者辩护律师会向我们起诉的所有罪行的受害者发送包裹. These packets include forms that greatly assist our office in ensuring the victim’s rights are protected and in preparing the case for prosecution. 如果你是犯罪的受害者, 我们要求你方尽快填妥并寄回我们的办公室. We also ask that you keep our office informed of any changes in your address or telephone number so that we can contact you about your case.


P.O. 843箱
(770) 467-4358


1995年,乔治亚州议会通过了《澳门葡京赌场官方网站》.C.G.A. §17-17-1),赋予犯罪受害者广泛的权利. 这些权利包括:

  • 合理的权利, accurate and timely notice of any scheduled court proceedings or any changes to such proceedings;
  • 合理的权利, accurate and timely notice of the arrest, release or escape of the accused;
  • The right not to be excluded from any scheduled court proceedings, except as provided by law;
  • 在涉及释放的任何法庭诉讼中发表意见的权利, 被告的辩护或判决;
  • 在涉及被告的假释诉讼中提出书面反对的权利;
  • The right to confer with the prosecuting attorney in any criminal prosecution related to the victim;
  • 法律规定的要求赔偿的权利;
  • The right to proceedings free from any unreasonable delay; and
  • The right to be treated fairly and with dignity by all criminal justice agencies involved in the case.


  1. 你住在哪里?? Our office is located on the Second Floor of the Spalding County Courthouse at 132 East Solomon Street, 格里芬, 格鲁吉亚30223年.
  2. 我可以继续我的案子吗? 一般来说,每名被告在其案件中被准许延期一次. 可以向斯伯丁县法院书记官申请延期审理. Additional continuances are only granted by the 州法院 Judge and must be requested in person by the Defendant during a regularly scheduled court date.  
  3. 如果我错过出庭日期会怎么样? 你一定要在指定的出庭日期出庭,这是非常重要的. If you fail to appear in court, a bench warrant or failure to appear will be issued against you. 你可能会被逮捕,没收你的保释金和/或吊销你的驾照.
  4. 如果我有法院搜查令该怎么办? 只有州法院的法官可以撤销法官授权. 如果法院签发了针对你的逮捕令, you must appear in court at a regularly scheduled court date to address your bench warrant. 
  5. 如果我没有出现,我该怎么办? 如果你被开了未出庭的罚单, you must contact to Clerk of Court to determine if the failure to appear may be lifted by paying the traffic citation or if a court appearance is required. You may also appear in court at a regularly scheduled court date to address your failure to appear. 
  6. 我如何获得公设辩护律师? 斯伯丁县法院的公设辩护人是宾州的沙利文和奥格莱特里律师事务所. 他们的办公室位于乔治亚州格里芬南希尔街743号30224. 他们的电话号码是(770)227-8806.
  7. 我需要请律师吗? 在任何法律程序中,最好有法律顾问. Whether you wish to proceed with or without an attorney is a decision that only you can make. 也不是检察长办公室, 州法院法官或书记员可以给你法律建议.   
  8. 我能付交通罚单吗? 一些交通罚单可能会在罚单上列出的法庭日期之前支付. 其他交通罚单, such as driving with a suspended license and driving without insurance require a court appearance. 要确定您的票是否可以提前支付,请访问 nako.budzgreenshop.com 点击页面左侧的“交通罚单支付”链接. 
  9. 副检察长代表谁? 副检察长代表乔治亚州处理轻罪刑事案件. The 律师 general does not represent criminal Defendants and cannot give legal advice.
  10. 我能撤销对某人的指控吗? You may contact the Victim Advocate in the Spalding County 律师’s office at (770) 467-4358 to express your desire as to the outcome of the case. 我们会考虑你的感受, the prosecuting attorney may decide to prosecute any case that they believe is in the best interest of the citizens of Spalding County.  
  11. 如果我在开庭前搬走怎么办? 你有责任将你目前的地址告知本院. Court notices will be sent to the address provided at booking or on the traffic citation. 未能提供当前地址可能会导致法庭搜查令, 没收保释金或未出庭对你不利.
  12. 我怎样才能拿回我作为保释金存入银行的钱? The Spalding County 治安官办公室 is responsible for receiving, holding and returning bond money. 一旦你的案子解决了, 你必须联系斯伯丁县治安官办公室要求退还你的保释金.